Lobed leather


I have a lobed leather coral that seems to be shedding, I had moved it to find a place where the flow was right but I am not sure if its open or on its way out.
I have a 125 GAL , perms are normal, and my other corals are healty and open. ginopora , glexia.
here is a very bad picture.
Attachment 206365


Active Member
What is going on with the leathers now a days? Way to many threads about leather problems and they are supposed to be a good starter coral. I have tried my best to help but I now am having troubles with my leather finger.
Flow is important but I am starting to wonder if leathers should be placed higher under less powerfull lighting systems. I have been told to be patient with leather issues. That picture didn't really help.


I will agree with the higher up in moderate flow in lower wattage PC lighting.
Im running around 3.5 watts/g pc in my 75g. My large devils hand and tiny lobed leather frag were not doing so well after the tank move. So i moved them up and on the far side of the tank away from the strong flow. And now they are growing like crazy. Am thinking of fragging the Devils hand soon.
I cant wait till i get my 354w HO T5. Happy birfday to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
I will agree with the higher up in moderate flow in lower wattage PC lighting.
Im running around 3.5 watts/g pc in my 75g. My large devils hand and tiny lobed leather frag were not doing so well after the tank move. So i moved them up and on the far side of the tank away from the strong flow. And now they are growing like crazy. Am thinking of fragging the Devils hand soon.
I cant wait till i get my 354w HO T5. Happy birfday to me.
"Birfday".... nice work on the lazy or funny spelling.
I think giving leathers strong flow during shedding and moderate flow the rest of the time is the key.


i put it into a lower flow area and it seems to be doing better. after its done sheding should i move it back to strong flow?


Thank you, my leather is doing better now. It was the first time I have had a problem with a leather coral , never even seen one shed B4, till now.