lobster questions and stocking list


ok i want to know if lobsters will pose a threat to any fish or viswe versa
also how big dose a blue spiny lobster get and a purple lobster
larger fish
1 yellow tang or purple tang
1 naso tang or orange shoulder
1 brown scopas tang or a powder blue tang
1 flame angel or a coral bueaty
1 volitans lion
1 green spotted puffer
1 marine betta
1 koran angel
ananome fish
2 pecula clown or tomato or maybe maroon
2 domino damsels or 4 green chromis
4 yellow tailed damsels or 2 striped damsels
smaller fish
2 fine spotted fiary wrasses
2 dragon sleepers
2 royal gramma
2 cleaner wrass
2 neon goby
2 lawnmower blenny
i dought id add all these and i may remove 1 for another but that a fish estimate
10 zebra
10 blue leged
10 scarlet
2 cleaner
5 pepermint
2 camelback
2 coral banded or 1 if i cant get a pair
2 decorator
2 sally light foot
5 emerald green
1 arrow crab
3 sand sifting
1 maxima
3 regular
maybe some mussles
fether dusters
1 -2 duster clusters or 6 large feather dusters
2 bubble tip
1 red carpet
1 seapen
i will have a few corals as well
90 galon also i will have a skimmer just gotta decide on what 1
and my dad dose not want a wetdry so i am useing the canisters instead
i will have 1 magnum 350 in the beging
after 2 weeks 2 and so on and so on till i have 4
that will be 1400 gph being filterd and i will also have 1 emporer 400 as well as 2 aqua clear powerhead 901's pumping an adintional 1870 gph
thats 3270 gph plus the emporer 400 makeing all the watter be filtered 34-35 times an hour
2 magnums will face up wardsthe rest angledcluse to beingsideways but more upwards.
3 of the magnums will be carbon filters the other will be a watter polisher
and 30 lbs of live rock added a week for 5-10 weeks


Active Member
Well first off
22 fish "that is going with the min amount you have listed" is a butt load of fish for a 90 gallon tank and I dont know about all of them but some of them you listed arent reef safe.
2 camelback (These are not reef safe and I have heard of them opening dusters to eat the stuff in there stomache and have heard of them eating corals)
3 sand sifting ( These are suppose to be delicate and dont usually live long)
1 maxima
3 regular
maybe some mussles (Well I really dont think they sell mussles for saltwater tanks. And 4 clams is alot considering they grow pretty big and they need high intense lighting for a 90 gallon tank you would probly need 3 250 watt metal halides "that would be pushing $1000 for lights"
2 bubble tip
1 red carpet
1 seapen
Pick 1 anemone and stay with it you cant mix anemones in tanks cause they "do" move and will meet each other somewhere in the tank and it will be come a stinging war and one will be the victor and may die anyway. Its best to go with 1 anemone species.
I think you have lots and "LOTS" of research before you start buying live stuff for your tank. Dont just go through and look at pics and say "oh I like that lets get 3 or 4 of thoughs". Check the things you have listed and make sure there reef safe and if they will harm any other thing in the the tank you plan to keep.