Local Fish store lies...I hope


LFS Guy tells me that ich is not passed from fish to fish and that it does not kill the fish. I have been QTing and believe that he is totally wrong.(I've had numerous casualties that taught me this lesson) He was comparing it to freshwater ich. He said that ich is always there and that some will survive and others won't. Is this guy a moron?


Active Member
Well - yes and no, IMO.
Ick is a pretty common issue for fish but healthy non stressed fish can fight it off. Stressed fish, such as those in transport or being added to a new tank come down with it, just like we can pick up a cold after a period of intense stress. Normally we fight it off and aren't always sick. Same for these fish. The bugs that cause these diseases are basically always around to some degree - but the weakened among us, whether human or fish, become ill.
But it is yet another stress on an already weakened fish, so it can contribute to death. Some will survive it, some won't. That is true. It is similar, but not the same bug as freshwater Ick. For this reason the saltwater version is more appropriately abbreviated as "Crypt."


Staff member
A fish in the ocean can definatly fight off ich, even swim away from it, in captivity, however, it is very difficult to fight off ich. Rarely will a system be rid of this parasite without intervention. And the resulting wipeout from the disease is not worth risking the 1/in a million chance.
Take a look at the post on ich in the FAQ in this forum.