Local fish stores


You guys ever meet a fish store owner who is always trying to tell you your stuff sucks and you should buy his stuff? I mean this guy is kind of mean to me and I respect him cause he knows stuff but he seems like he just wants my money all the time so I don't buy from him and he I think he dosn't like me cause of this. I brought in my light fixture to get a new bulb and then he told me to return my light fixture and buy his light fixture, but mine is better. Then he tried to sell me a water chiller, but he dosn't have one on his 70 watt mh and thats what I have and mine has a a glass cover and I have another glass cover on the tank and a fan to cool the lights. Whats up with that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by WhiteMike
You guys ever meet a fish store owner who is always trying to tell you your stuff sucks and you should buy his stuff? I mean this guy is kind of mean to me and I respect him cause he knows stuff but he seems like he just wants my money all the time so I don't buy from him and he I think he dosn't like me cause of this. I brought in my light fixture to get a new bulb and then he told me to return my light fixture and buy his light fixture, but mine is better. Then he tried to sell me a water chiller, but he dosn't have one on his 70 watt mh and thats what I have and mine has a a glass cover and I have another glass cover on the tank and a fan to cool the lights. Whats up with that?
Just wants your money. I would not go there anymore thats for sure.


Active Member
White Mike, are you in Kansas City??? ha ha ha....I just (from what i understanding) just got bamboozled into buying a used pump, a crappy one. And the guy is just a plain jerk (to be politically correct on this site)....I would rather (as some one else on this site suggested) smack him in the mouth with the pump...ha ha ha ha....


Active Member
yes i had read that.....well i got a pretty good deal on a nice tank so i left it at that and won't deal with the guy again....i found another store that is closer to my wife's work who are nothing but the most patient and kind folks i have ran across in these types of stores. very very helpful....i have gone in there twice and have walked out with nothing but information....i beleive they have earned all of my future business even though it is about 30 minutes away and i have that other guy about 10 minutes from me.


I got a store that is 30 mins away to and its huge, but they sell sharks, bat rays, slugs, and jelly fish I don't know whats up with that but people buy them all the time. So they are real nice and don't try to sell me stuff and the wifes owner is real cute, well I think shes the wifes owner cause shes always there, but maybe she is the owner, I should ask her out on a date. LOL


Active Member
Yep it's all about sales to some places......Not customer service or commitment to the animals....It's just $$$$$$. Best thing to do is just ignore him, and if he has good stuff buy it....