local fish, water and sand ?


New Member
I have a young Queen Angel about 3 " and have it in a 20 gal. natural sea water tank that has been up and running since July. The fish was caught by a local marine biologist under a bridge. He gave it to me at the end of Sept. I live near Cape Cod and this little guy traveled on the Gulf Stream to his new home. When the water gets cold they die so we definately rescued him. My problem is that I want to upgrade him to a new 55 gal. that I have. Should I set it up with local beach sand and natural sea water? I would then add live rock and let the tank mature. I live on the ocean, an Island actually, so the water is very clean. The angel has been doing well in it for the last 4 months. I do add synthetic mix to do partial changes though. I already have another 55 set up with synthetic sea water . It contains several damsels and a very happy niger trigger. Also I have clusters of mussels in the Angels tank. Does anyone know if the warmer water can harm them. They seem to do well and I do feed them to the angel. I will eventually get a larger tank but for now the 55 is it for the angels new home. Your advice on acclimating him to a new tank and what would be my best water and sand bed options is appreciated.


Active Member
unless you plan to go to a tropical area and travel at least 5 miles away from shore I would not recommend using sea water. the pollutants close to shore are just to dangerous. this also goes for the sand. Recommend you purchase 45-55lbs of sand from SWF.com and use "cleaned" play sand you can get from Home Depot.
This willgive you live stuff and the other sand will becoem live soon.
ASFARAS the LR - 1LB per gallon and will do.
OH - 55 Gallon is still too small to keep the Queen Angel though - recommend 125 or larger.


Active Member
Instant Ocean salt is excellent - I don't live that close to the ocean (I do live near the Chesapeake Bay)so ocean water isout for me. The sea salt for aquariums is probably as good as or better than what you can get from the ocean right now.