local news story


So.... with all the evacuees coming into my neck of the woods here in DFW i was kind of thinking that our crime rate could go up just a little bit... with a city that is one of the top crime rates coming to another city that has THE number one crime rate... bad things are bound to happen. well they have.
A 21 year old NOLA resident shot and killed a 19 year old 7 11 clerk at 2 am for the money in the cash register... which BTW at 2 am isnt very much. well he was caught. This is gonna be bad.


welcome to the board.
Here in Mass they went to the cape. There are a good dozen --- offenders that came also. They don't know who they are. Real nice....... I am all for supporting them but not at our cost of the children.


Active Member
Hey Notenoraa,
Get ready, it is just the beginning of many problems. I work close to DFW airport and at lunch I have seen people begging for money and that can not be good. The people that need help are at local shelters, these beggers IMO are just looking to take advantage, but it is us that will end up paying the $$$$$$$.
I was also reading, where they let the inmates out of jail, one of them was not out prison more then a few days and was arrested for tyring to ---- one of the girls at a HS in Houston. Give me a break........ Who in their right mind would let inmantes out of a jail..... Get out of jail free card... :mad:
Hey Pbienkiewi,
I lived in Clinton, off of Green Street for 4 years. Grew up in Bolton. I miss Mass...but not the snow.