Local Pet Store


Active Member
My local pet store has a potter angel and i asked them what they feed him. They said only brine shrimp. I told tghem they had to feed him other foods like seaweed, or pellets or other nutrious foods. His colors are fading. What should i do? i already have a potter in my tank.


Active Member
Sneak some in? Like McDonald's milkshakes in a hospital room...
That or there you are buying another tank!
I don't mean to make light of it, it is distressing to see something suffer..but as options go, there are only one or two.


try to explain to them that it need to eat something else. as well as their other fish cause if they are feeding one only brine chances are they are feeding them all only brine (they do it cause its almost always the lowest costing frozen food)


Active Member
Honestly, I went through this same thing with my local pet store, even gave the owner a seaweed clip and pack of sea veggies. If they don't care, you probably can't change their mind, mine still didn't feed her tangs properly but then her tank became a hair algea factory and they regained their color.