Location of Lobo Brain


My wife bought these two corals for my BDay, and I wanted to make sure I have them properly located in the tank as far as proper lighting. 5 X 54W T5 light - 3 - 10K bulbs, and 3 - Blue Actinic.


florida joe

Well-Known Member
The green one may be an tubipora (organ pipe coral) the skeleton is very fragile water movement should be brisk and it is very light tolerant though bright light is always desirable any if this is in fact tubipora google Lobophyllia hemprichii i think you also have one of these they can be placed anywhere


The green/brown one is a Goniopora. There is an organizational website named after this coral that can help you tenfold in keep this coral, as it is very temperamental.
The brain, is indeed a Lobo.


Active Member
the geniopora i'd leave on the sandbed w medium flow. geniapora tends to do better in tank w no skimmer. their survival rate in captivity is not good eaither. as for the lobo, its good where u have it. lobo like medium flow and light. spot feeding the lobo is a good idea too.


Thanks for the great info guys. Another LFS story where the seller doesn't bother to inform the buyer the sensitivity of the coral. When she bought the Goniopora, he said that all it needed was to be low-to-mid in the tank for light, and medium flow. Also told her it was a low maintenance item that could be fed phytoplankton once or twice a week with a turkey baster. Guess I'll get some cyclopeze as the web site recommends, and see how it does. Right now, it has all it's 'tenacles' open, and seems to be happy. Only time will tell....