Long hair green algae


New Member
I have massive quantities of long hair green algae. My lawn should be so lush.
125 galloon reef, up for 2.5 years. Healthy critters, on one side I have metal halide, and on the other 2 rows of t8's and 2 rows of t5's. What else do you need to know?
I also have some red bubbles that are similar to green bubble algae but are elongated, slighty elongated, not so perfectly round. These seem to like my powerheads. (Vortec powerpump)
Thanks in advance...


What are your phosphates/nitrates at exactly? Also how old are your bulbs? How long of a light cycle each day? red algae could be a form of cyano, which most likely be do to lighting or phosphates.. green hair could be a lot of things..


sounds like 2 issues one green hair algea is related to phosphates and nitrates the other is red slime algea or cyno.
Both are the result of too much feeding and the need for more frequent water changes.