long nose hawk fish... is it a community fish????


i currently have two nemos, yellow tail damsel, diamond goby, lmb, i plan on getting a flame angel, mandarine, and maybe another fish or two....
my question is... are the long nose hawkfish aggresive in anyways that i should not put it in with all of these fish??
i have a 55 gallon.


Active Member
will not harm any of those fish, but will eat any shrimp in ur tank, and i would not buy the mandarin for a long time especially not until you have a refugium.


yeah im cool for the madarine.. i have 110 lbs of live rock... imma wait at least 6 months or so....
i have a blood shrimp, i want a coral banded and a cleaner... i also have a boxer crab and a couple of emeralds...
the hawkfish will bother these???


Active Member
sorry but all of the hawkfish will, yes i believe they will even eat crabs.
oh and FYI coral banded shrimp are very aggressive (as in kill) to other shrimp.
I hope this helped


Active Member
oh, 110 pounds, that must look AWESOME, the reason i posted bout the mandarin fish is that often people don't realize they need very pod populated tanks.


yeah i actually had a scooter and then bought a mandarine several months later with out knowing the scooter was a pod eater.. and well my mandarine didnt even last a month.... which makes me wonder if it really starved to death... at the time i might of only had 40 lbs of live rock...
yeah 110 lbs looks cool... and its viewable from both sides.... so i have it all stacked up in the middle of the tank with two peaks..... i wish i woulda went with the 75... but i put it in my wall and no one told me the 75 was the same length as the 55.
i have read about the cbs being aggressive... im going to try and buy a very small one.. if not a pair and see how it works out.... i have heard good reviews.