Long Nose Hawkfish...Safe?


I am interested in a Long Nose Hawkfish. Although considered reef safe, I have heard that they can be a danger to "small delicate shrimp." Is this true and would that include Cleaner and Peppermint Shrimp?


Active Member
cleaner shrimp..no..
my friend has a long nose hawk in his reef and 3 peppermints. they dont bug eachother one bit.
check out the discription of the long nose hawk in a book or at ***********.


This is a great fish - they are reef safe as far as I know - I had one in a reef tank. I'm not sure of their behavior around small shrimp. Though they are fine with corals and will eat bristle worms!

reef dude

I currently have a longnose hawk in my 90 gal reef. It hasnt harmed any of my inhabitants, including small hermits and peppermint shrimp. I would say go for it, its an awesome fish with a lot of character!