Long Spine Urchin


Anyone know the ups and downs of having a Long spine Urchin
such as if a fish bumps into the urchin will it get poisoned or does a fish need to be aggressive with it ??


Active Member
Suprisingly fish and LS urchins dont really have issues together. Not saying that it has never happened. But I would be more concerned with the rate that they grow.. and the damage they do when they move around. They are clumsey and knock over alot of things. Good luck.


I had one - great algae eater. Eats as much as my large turbo snails. But they will eat some coraline algae. And the same as the turbos, and as already mentioned - bulldozing can be an issue if you have loose frags, etc. I only was poked once very slightly no big deal. I think they're very beautiful, the only echinoderm I've had in my reef tank. It survived on the algae in my 30g for a long time, although this is probably a little small for it.