Long Tentacle Acclimation?


I just acclimated my LTA and released it into my tank. It has been in the tank almost an hour now and it has been kind of rolling around with the water current in the tank and as my hermit crabs and clarkii clown stop by for an introductory visit. Should I be worried about it laying on its side or upside down on the sand bed or is this just a normal behavior that will stop as the anemone gets to know my tank? I'm not terribly worried, but I just want to make sure this is a normal behavior. Any idea when it will open up again (it has been balled up since my LFS bagged it for me) and find a happy place in my tank?


Also, should I turn it up from its side or just leave it where it is and let it do that naturally? Sorry for having to ask such a dumb question!!! :confused:


Hi Joe,
I bought an LTA last Saturday. When I released him into my tank I put him in a place oh high flow. He didn't like it and moved to another spot where the current was less. When he moves he sometimes bloats his stem to grotesque proportions but thats ok and hes just trying to shift. for two days he just lay flat on his side. The third and 4th day he dug his stem into the substrate. You can take a look at my thread here "My Long tentacle Anemone is not eating!!!!" and see pictures. If you post pictures it could help. Also inform us of what kind of lighting and other specifics of your tank and we can advise some more.


Here are some pictures of my LTA...its been in teh tank a week now....


Well, within five or six hours it had firmly planted itself into the substrate. In the last day since then, it's moved itself to a peaceful corner of the tank. It seems to be doing well. As I expected, I worried over nothing!
Jacob, how big is yours? Mine was only a couple inches across when I bought it; yours seems much larger.


The base is about 3 inches wide...when fully open its the sweep of its tentacles must be about 8 inches or so. I have a question for you Joe....is your LTA accepting any food? Is he opening up during the day? How is the mouth ((open or gaping)? What color is it? Let me know.


I have yet to feed it, but I may try to give it a little scrap of seafood or something in a day or two. IIRC, LTA's get most of the energy from the light source, correct? Anyway, the mouth is hard to see from where it is right now. It snuggled up between a couple rocks in the back of my tank. But, from what I can see it looks like the mouth is kind of shut to me. Hopefully I'll be able to post a couple pictures in the next couple days. Oh, and it's a tan-brown color right now with some greenish white at the very tips.


Well, the anemone must be doing well, as my Clarkii has now started having "seizures" in it while acclimating. I've all but given up doing my homework because it's so much fun to watch! My clarkii jets down into the LTA and wiggles around like he's having seizures, then swims around for a minute or two and starts it all over again. It's hysterical. I'm so glad to opted to try an anemone... Amazing the LTA puts up with the clown while he's acclimating.:confused: