Long Tentical is acting funny


i have a 10" inch wide LT anemone. it is acting weird ever since i change my water. i make sure my replacement water's salinity level is the same with the tank before i put the replacement water in. i used prime and reef buffer. the anemone is hiding all of its tentical inside. its folded up like a ball. is this normal? if it is normal what is it doing?


What do you mean Prime and Reef buffer? in the water change water?
The retracting tenticals could be from using the buffer, does the buffer ever touch the anemone in anyway? Are you mixing up new water and then just adding it?
Are you using RO/DI water?
Are you adding suppliments to the new water change water?
Are you testing the new water change water before adding it, testing for Alk, Cal, temp, salinity.
Are you mixing it for 24-48 hours before adding it to the tank?