longnose butterfly is not doing well


The longnose butterfly is not doing well. I have not seen him eat anything. Today I found him sucked up next to the ph filter in an unside down position. I turned off the ph and he righted himself, but not very active.
Any thoughts on feeding?


no you dont have to feed him clams ,where did you here that baron ,mine simply likes brine shrimp and i soak it with garlic to prevent ich which is very likely to happen and it might be what is wrong with yours which you probably know what ich is but, i dont think your tank is over crowded either just keep watchin your butterfly, and ask questions all u need, oncee it gets better u will love ur butterfly... and u might want make sure ur protein skimmer is workin right and u might want to look up some info on uv sterolizzers because i saw on petwarehouse ur suppose to get one i think im fixing to


o and i didnt see where baron said they are not reef safe, becuz they are definitly reef safe some butterflies arent but long nosees are and one of the more peaceful fish u can get


longnose butterflies are reef safe with caution and will pick on some corals (mine picked at an open brain and was then traded back to the LFS). I had good luck feeding it brine shrimp, bloodworms, and tubifex worms. but it mainly picks at pods off the LR. Clearly yours is not doing well but these fish usually sleep upside down for some reason. I always found it amusing to see it sleeping upside down in the top corner of the tank every night.