Longnose Butterfly


Will a longnose butterfly get along with the following?
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
2 percs
2 firefish
I just want to make sure it won't try and eat my shrimp...

barry cuda

Do you happen to know which longnose butterfly? My "Marine Fishes" guide (Scott W. Michael auth.) lists three different species referred to as various flavors of a longnose. None of them are flagged as being a threat to crustaceans, although they are reported to eat corals sometimes.


Hmmm... not sure, it's the same one that is listed for sale on this website though...
Okay, well that is good news about the crustaceans, and I don't plan on getting any corals or for a long long time so, that's good to hear!
I plan on getting a very large (125 or 200 if I can) tank one day that is going to be a FOWLR setup, so eventually I'd move this one into the FOWLR, and then start turning my 50 gal into a reef tank.
Thanks for the help Barry Cuda!

barry cuda

OK, swf.com identifies their Longnose Butterfly as Forcipiger flavissimus, which the Michael book calls the Yellow Longnose Butterfly. Here's the exact quote from the book on what they're a hazard to:
"In most cases, these fish seem to ignore corals, but they have been reported to feed on stony and soft coral polyps in the wild. Will also eat tubeworms and nip at sea urchin tube feet."
So there you have it. FWIW, I'm not claiming any personal knowledge, cause I don't have any personal experience. But that's what the book says :D


Unfortunately my longnose butterfly now has ICK! I am doing hypo, and I am so glad I put him in the QT first!


yea, I am definetly getting a Qt soon....havent bought my first fish yet for my display which I am going to do tonight..:cheer: :cheer: A pair of Percs!!!


Cool, shrimp! I love those percs. I would get a QT tonight too, just in case! Even if you can't afford it, you can use a storage container to make one.
I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have mine. My fish would probably have all been infected and died one after the other.
Anyway, congrats on your first fish!!!:happyfish