Longspine Urchin? How Venomous?


Active Member
How Venonmous is the
Longspine Urchin, Black
(Diadema setosum)
Another site, says it's only as bad as a bee sting, but I want to be sure...
I don't want anything like a stonefish or a blue ring octo in my tank lol...
I really don't want to fear of death everything i have to reach in my tank...


Ive never personally been stung, but as far as Ive heard its similar to a bee, meaning extreme pain for an hour or so and some minor swelling. But how would you get stung? they move so slowly...its not like they are swimming around madly or anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jon321
Ive never personally been stung, but as far as Ive heard its similar to a bee, meaning extreme pain for an hour or so and some minor swelling. But how would you get stung? they move so slowly...its not like they are swimming around madly or anything.
Not paying attention...i do that a lot and I dont want to die because of it lol...
I'd bet most people who get stung by anything in the tank is just an act of not paying attention...


i have one and was cleaning my tank and smashed my hand into mine, i didn't hurt much at all, i was more worried about one of the spines breaking off in my hand then anything else. it felt like a pine prick.


Active Member
The bigger problem is getting a piece of spine broken in the skin. That can be more of an issue. The spines are hollow and quite brittle, so it is not hard for them to break. But, like lionfish, this is an animal you just need to know where it is so that you don't run your hand into it.


Active Member
ya i feel bad for the guy at the LFS who while trying to get it, got a spine stuck in his finger...
Funny thing is he said who always uses gloves and just didn't feel like it this time..guess he won't do that again lol..