look at this


This is my filter system just looking for some feed back want to know if I should add anything. basically is it a good system
this is the drain


so what I have is egg crate with fibermesh covering it. that cover the bulk heads which are the drains then it splits up goes to to pumps one side through a cannister filter the other side straight back in the tank for movment.see were the rock is to the left that is were the egg crate is under the cc


Active Member
It appears to be a working system. How much LR do you have? Kind of hard to tell from the pictures. The LR will supplement your canister and help with bio filtration. The canister should take care of any mechanical and chemical needed. I'd change/clean the filter material often though to help keep nitrates down.
You seem a bit frustrated about not getting answers to your questions. Believe it or not, sometimes folks just don't have a good answer. One of the great things about this board is that we have a minimum of "wild guesses." Don't take silence as lack of interest in your posts. Sometimes it just takes a while to get any answer.
Good Luck. Looks like you got a great system going there.


hey thanks alot I only have about 15 lbs so far but plan on getting more.Do you think it would be benificial to get rid of the eggcrate and run some tubes that go above the cc substrate to maybe pull more of the waste directly in the filter?


Active Member
I think that would be a good option. Give the "stuff" more opportunity to get sucked into the filter.
Good Luck!