Look for companions!!!


New Member
I haven't started my tank, but I am deciding on what fish I want to get for it. So far I have decided on these:
Tesselata Eel
Antennata(pterois antennata)
I know the eel is a lot of money, but I want to buy it cause it would be my main attration along with the Antennata.
What other fish could I put in with these or should I double up on these guys?!


Just a few points about the eel.
Make sure the eel is really small or the lion is really big, becuz a good size tessellatta will take down his fish no problem. If you can keep these fish together from the beeginning the eels will learn this lion isn't food. However once the eel gets bigger, all fish are food.
How big of a tank are you thinking? (over 100gals?-remember this eel will get over 5ft long, antennata max out around 8-10")
what is your plan for filtration?


New Member
Well, if the tessalat is getting that bi screw it!
On this site it says a max of 28 inches!!!!
BTW, I found plenty of errors with the store part of the site, not trying to be a **** about it.
I have a 180 gallon tank that these will be going into. Is there an eel that is at or around the 28 inch mark?!
I am doing this in a proccess by the way.
Fish I am readin about salwater keeping in general. Then I am deciding on my fish. Researching them greatly. After all that I am going to research all the equipment needed to take care of these fish. After all that I will start the tank.
Right now I have now plan in any equipment, but once I find out what I need, I will fork out the money to buy this stuff so my tank will be successful!


Active Member
tesselatas do best in a species only tank. they can get rather large, and will eat anything including lions and puffers. a 180 would be good for a single tesselata and maybe a big grouper, but like i said they do best by themselves. bo


:) :) :) I commend you're doing your homework FIRST--you're tank has a much greater chance of being successful. Have Fun and
Good Luck


New Member
I will find out the address and maybe go there this weekend.
Do they by chance have any leaf scorpions? They look really cool and they dont get much bigger than 4"!!!!!!!!!
I was also thinking about a sea goblin. How ugly can they get? lol


Active Member
ness, goldentail, snowflake, black edged, chainlink, and zebra morays will all be good fits for your tank. one fish that id like to reccomend is a blue line grouper, they get about 12" max, and are imo and awesome fish. they are very mellow too, theyare an awesome fish. bo


heres a link to pictures of my seagoblins. Take a look. If you can ween them over to live food they seem to be doing fine. I've only had them for 3 months.
<a href="http://reefcentral.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=5e975fbbddad5d1b882829ac2ff57fca&threadid=59577&highlight=seagoblins" target="_blank">http://reefcentral.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=5e975fbbddad5d1b882829ac2ff57fca&threadid=59577&highlight=seagoblins</a>
The leaf fish are also cool, but really need a species only tank, they swim poorly and do not compete in tanks w/ fast swimmers. Again if you can ween them over to dead foods your chances of long term survial increase.


New Member
O my god!!!!
Dave I love that store!!!!!!!
I go there all the time just to look at there fish stock. I try to get my dad to take me down there whenever possible. I would love to get a job there!
BTW Dave, do you know if the saltwater are from proffesional breeders or not?


New Member
One more thing....
Marini, is that a laundry basket you are using to hold your goblins?!?!?!?!?!
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


New Member
i have a eel, lion fish, huma huma trigger fish, and yellow tang, and a porcupine puffer, they live together perfectly. no injuries, or deaths for 2 years, since i started them together.