Lookdown Fish and other rare fish...


New Member
Hi, Does anyone know when the Lookdown fish are generaly available from saltwaterfish.com? are they seasonal? thanks..also, does saltwaterfish.com sell other extremely rare fish that are not on the website now? just wanted to get an idea...


Active Member
I would STRONGLY discourage keeping lookdowns in most home tanks. They do best, IMO, in large circular tanks and being kept in schools, definitely with somewhat selective tank mates. I would not consider them extremely rare, just not particular well suited for nearly all hobbyists. I don't know if there is a time they sell them, and I would not consider most of their other fish particularly rare.


Active Member
Yes they are a big fish that requires an extra long, tall tank. They do best in groups, and a large group would need a pond or extra large tank.


My advice is to avoid most "rare" stuff. Usually if it's "rare" in other peoples tanks there is a reason. There are exceptions, but anything that claims to be rare deserves a fair amount of research before you buy.


in this hobby...rare is generally another term for "best left in the ocean"