Lookdown Fish


Anyone had any experience with these fish. Imo they are one of the coolest looking fish, and also hard to come by, not to mention expensive! I found 2 at a LFS $59 each or 2-$110. They were about 2 1/2". This price is a steal compared to any other prices I have seen, even online prices! Adults go for $300 and up.
Are they hard to care for? They obviously need a large tank to be comfortable. My wife thinks they are cool looking, but I'm out of tankspace. This could be a good excuse for me to get another larger tank ;) .

marine qa

Lookdown fish are very cool looking. A LFS near me has been getting them recently.
They appear to need a long tank (120+ Gal.) as they swin fast from side to side. They also get about 6incs in diameter. I also believe they are happier with others of their kind. I dont know if they would school though.
The ones I've seen have not thrived over time but I trust my fishkeeping skills over this LFS. I would get a few if I had a 120 or 180g with little else in the tank.