Lookee what I got today!


Active Member
I got the anemone and crab today...they're still adjusting to the tank. I figured my clowns would never host it, so I went with the next best thing.



Active Member
Yeah looks like a condi. Just be careful with smaller fish like neon gobies because I swear that mine condi ate mine!


Active Member
Thank you.
I also got a Coral Beauty Angelfish, but he refuses to show himself right now.

Maybe once he/she adjusts to the tank I can get a few shots.


cute little guy!! I had one at one time... seemed one of the other crabs in the tank wanted his claws, and somehow bit them off. (lost it in a fight, I dont know) I had one of those spider crabs that sticks things to his back, and noticed one day he had the claw stuck to his back. Was funny looking, and really wish I would have gotten a pic, but I was also pissed that it was stolen from him! The claws do grow back with each molt, by the way...


Active Member
LOL, enyates....that had to be interesting to see!
The little anemone bugger decided to crawl into a hole in a rock overnight. Today, it just stayed there with it's tentacles hanging out the hole for light. I'm hoping he crawls back out in the open soon. The anemone crab decided to crawl into the hole as well; its very amusing seeing the two of them scrunched into this tiny hole when they have a whole tank to explore.

reef diver

Active Member
HEy if a clown is hosting in an anemone, and I get a anemone crab to go with it, will the clowns kill the crab?


Active Member
i love my anenome crab!! he lives VERY peacufully with my saddleback clown in the same LTA.. Very cool to watch!


My 2 flase percs. host my condi. I know it is unusual but it happens. They didn't go near it for about a month after I added it and then I came home one day and they were all about it. They hardly ever leave it now. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.