Looking at getting a ray


Hey im looking at getting this Ray at my LFS its awsome, however i would never put my fish in harms way.
I have:
Hippo tang
2 Gobies one small one
some inverts
a lg Maroon CLown
Med Percula CLown
Yellow Tang
2 Cardnals
IS there a potental problem here?

el guapo

Active Member
Well you might want to tell us what size tank you have .
Is there a large open area with no LR for the ray to scratch its self on ?
How fine is the sand ?
The tang might nip at the ray


Active Member
Thats really too small to keep any Ray in long term. Not even a little too small, but way, way too small. Pretty much any SW Ray is going to require a tank with at least a 7' x 2' imprint to be kept long term.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KurtyMac
Oh, cause the LFS near me has him in a 100 gal and says that its fine.
Yes, it's fine for the couple of weeks that the LFS will house it until it gets sold. If you want to keep a ray for more than a month or so then your tank is insufficient.


Active Member
Unfortunately, thats common practice for many LFS to give bad advice just to sell their livestock :/


yea it stinks, def since the ray was 110, thats a big loss for me and its a loss of the life for the ray. I thought my tank might have been 2 small for it but thats why i figured to post up here
. Also what would you guys consider a large enought tank for a ray. This one he has was very small, but he never told me how big they got he just said this speices stays small and you can hand feed them lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KurtyMac
yea it stinks, def since the ray was 110, thats a big loss for me and its a loss of the life for the ray. I thought my tank might have been 2 small for it but thats why i figured to post up here
. Also what would you guys consider a large enought tank for a ray. This one he has was very small, but he never told me how big they got he just said this speices stays small and you can hand feed them lol.

Yes, Rays are very cool and very smart too. As for tank size, it really depends on the type of ray.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KurtyMac
yea it stinks, def since the ray was 110, thats a big loss for me and its a loss of the life for the ray. I thought my tank might have been 2 small for it but thats why i figured to post up here
. Also what would you guys consider a large enought tank for a ray. This one he has was very small, but he never told me how big they got he just said this speices stays small and you can hand feed them lol.

Yes, Rays are very cool and very smart too. As for tank size, it really depends on the type of ray. As I said though, any SW Ray is going to require at least 7' x 2', but I could be more exact if I knew the exact type.

el guapo

Active Member
I am just going to take a wild guess and say its a cortez ray . It is one of the smaller more sutible to home aquarium rays . But it still needs a large tank . I would keep a full grown one in nothing less that a 240. A 120 gallon would work for a short period of time . Rays are extremely amazing fish to keep and have great personality . They are very easy to tame and hand feed . But the do requier some specific things for there care . If you have the time money and desire I say go for it .


One is a decent size, but the other is tiny, HIs name starts with a P not sure what he is. He looks like a Candy Cane. little orange stripes on white.


kind of off topic but, what about a snow flake eel and my gobies still bad? I saw on he chart that eels are compatiable with gobies, but maybe a little snowflake wont be a problem? what do you guys think, i just want to get something besides just fish and coral to make the tank look a bit more exotic.