I am in need of some fast money fish fans. take advantage of me! I have a 150 gallon tall tank setup, this setup includes oak cabinet and glass top. also 3 actinic bulbs and a big mh with ballast in a nice looking hood, with built in fan. but wait it gets better! 125 lbs of happy purple and floresent green figi live rock and 60 lb live sand/ cc base. the sump is a gravity box to sponge/bioball wet dry then kent marine nautilus skimmer and magnum 350 canister. this will also include all the extras such as heater, 2 rio pumps and the return pump from sump. tons of suppliments (kalkwallser/stronium/food/ect...) I will be more than happy to also include some fish and snails and crabs and shrimp as well. well now for the steal part. there is easily 1200 dollars worth of stuff in this thing. the first person with 600 cash takes the best part of my living room! I will even help disasemble and move out of my place. I have some good pics but cant figure how to add them so if you are serious about having a great tank and want to see it please email me at
wilman79@aol.com with send me pix as your heading and thats what you will recieve. thank you for checking me out and please tell your friends.
Will Robinson