Looking for a 30" strip light


I am looking for a 30" strip light that can be used for a freshwater setup. Preferably one that can house more than one bulb. My son has a 30gal high freshwater tank and only has one bulb strip light that does NOT give enough light for his plants. I know this is a saltwater forum but thought someone might have something "lying around"...thanks!


Coralife makes an inexpensive T-5 low profile light strip with 2 bulbs for about $50, they are available in 2 versions, 1 for freshwater, and another with the actinic for saltwater. And if you wanted more light, you can put up to 3 light strips on the top of a standard sized tank. It's called the aqualight T-5.


Originally Posted by bessycerka
Coralife makes an inexpensive T-5 low profile light strip with 2 bulbs for about $50, they are available in 2 versions, 1 for freshwater, and another with the actinic for saltwater. And if you wanted more light, you can put up to 3 light strips on the top of a standard sized tank. It's called the aqualight T-5.
I have yet to find one of these..any suggestions?
any other 30" strip lights out there???


Active Member
I've got a 30" T5 Aqualight (36 watts, I think, including actinic) that I will not need for much longer. I'm in the process of breaking down the tank at the moment, and I can probably help you out if you're interested...


Originally Posted by GRabbitt
I've got a 30" T5 Aqualight (36 watts, I think, including actinic) that I will not need for much longer. I'm in the process of breaking down the tank at the moment, and I can probably help you out if you're interested...
sounds good..e-mail me