Looking for a book?


New Member
Does anyone have any suggestions on a good book for setting up and maintaining a salt water tank?


Palettas book and also The concientious Marine aquarist is excellent also. I found his sections in the back where he breaks down the different species of fish and then explains behavior feeding habits and disease to be great.


I went with The Concientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner. It has been an excellent read. It is an easy read yet very informative. I too like the section that breaks down fish. I haven't purchased any fish yet, but it did steer me away from a Oriole (SP) Angel that I wanted. The book told me these fish don't do well in captivity. It saved me around $20 so the book has already paid for itself. If you do buy it get one online. I found one in Hastings and Borders (2 book stores in my town) Each of them wanted between 35-40. Here on SWF.com it was much cheaper. HTH.


I did a survey on books that are sold from this website, and the overwhelming choice was The Concientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner