looking for a certain shark



I was fishing in the gulf a few years ago and I caught a beautiful fish. The locals called it a bonnethead. It looked like a minuature hammerhead shark abount 7-8in long. Come think of it there was another fish called a sailcat. It was a catfish with a sailfin on its back. Has anyone heard of these and if so where might I purchase them?


Bonnethead sharks are just like mini hammerheads, my book says they get 3 to 4 feet long, but you need a bigger tank than a 125 gallon. I'm not sure about the other fish.


New Member
Bonnetheads average between 3-4 feet long, but can grow as large as 5 1/2 feet. In other words, way too big for a 125 (actually, that tank is too small for ANY shark).
I did a search for the sailcat. I didn't find any info on people keeping them in aquariums...looks like it's mostly a game fish. It seems they can get as large as 3 feet, also too big for a 125.


Most relitively small non-bottom dwellers, like bonnet heads, black tip reef, white tip reef, ect... all get to be a little bit over 3-5 feet. All require well over 50,000 gallons of water. At the aquarium I volenteer at has a black tip reef shark in a 93,000 gallon tank, and the size of the tank is stunting it's growth.


Active Member
i know risc has a bonnethead, i have caught tons of the little suckers while trout fishing over grass flats. i have also caught more than my share of gafftop cats. they will get around 10 pounds in the wild, and are slimy little suckers. they can get to around 3 feet i think. they will need a very large tank, i dont think you will find one in the pet trade though. bo