Looking for a Fish thats bright & colorful


Active Member
Hi all. I'm looking for one last fish to get that is bright and colorful. I have a 46 gal with:
1 O. Clownfish, 2 Blue/green Chromis, 1 Orange Firefish, & 1 Coral Beauty. I would like a fish that is 3-4 inches and will swim in the water column. Does anyone have any ideas? I was thinking maybe the royal gramma but I'm pretty sure they stay in the rocks a lot. Also I do not want a damsel. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Not sure if this would affect your bioload but if you have no shrimp I would suggest a flame hawkfish...... I truly want one myself but I won't risk it due to my cleaner even though he is big(almost 2") I am still afraid he would eat it and I would be forced to kill him then....I am loyal to my shrimp..
You may want to consider a smaller fish but thats really cool is a yellow watchman goby.
Good luck!


Active Member
Yellow watchmans and flame hawkfish are cool but they are perchers, not swimmers. The only family of fish that fits the requirements that I can think of would be the wrasse family. Perhaps a sixline or a small fairy wrasse. There are many fairies that stay under 4" and are bright, active, and beautiful.


Active Member
I have a cleaner so I wouldn't want a flame hawk, I do want one but don't want to risk my cleaner. I didn't even think of the fairy wrasses so I'll check those out. We used to have a sixline but not sure if we want another one. We were thinking about the watchman but we are looking for something that swims.


purple pseudochromis. mine stays swims around the tank and stays suspended over the rock. rarely hides except when sleeping.


Can you mix different wrasse's?? I have a 4 spot yellow wrasse and love him. He swims all over the place. You can try one of those... I'd like to get a six line but am not sure if I can mix the wrasse's...??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Deny
Can you mix different wrasse's?? I'd like to get a six line but am not sure if I can mix the wrasse's...??
It depends on how big the tank is.


my tank is 55gal. I have a blennie and a 4 spot yellow wrasse in it and 3 hermit crabs.


New Member
I believe I have a red coris wrasse and he brightens up the whole tank. He's a bright orange with a bright yellow tailfin with a few white spots on him and some blue sprinkled in. He's out during the day and loves to bury himself in the sand when it's bedtime. Prob one of my favorite fish. As of right now, he's about 5 inches...I've got him in a 55gal tank with 4 other fish. A lot of personality.
Just my experience which isn't much... 6 months.
Good luck and enjoy!


Active Member
Anybody got any experience with the longfin fairy wrasse or the Carpenter's flasher wrasses? Also do you think a fang blenny would be ok or are they likely to be aggressive? I know they are venemous but they look cool.


Active Member
Do you know anything about the filamented flasher? They look cooler but my book says they may pick on my firefish which I don't want.


Active Member
Why does it say that..is it talking about body shape..conspecifics? I've never read that they are problematic, they are just nervous. My experience with flashers' and fairy's and most fancy wrasses in general is they do not take the stress of being removed from the ocean, moved from wholesaler to LFS, and being around alot of different people in the LFS. They will sometimes start out ok..eating etc. But like to hide in the PVC tubes kept in the tank to feel secure. Then of course people who come into the shop want to see them, so you are disturbing them as they are becoming used to being in a tank several times a day. Then they stop eating after a few days, and if they are'nt sold..they die.


Active Member
Here is exactly what my book says about them being aggressive: "Except for close relatives (e.g., fairy wrasses) and other small planktivores (e.g., fire gobies) it is rarely aggressive." About the moving from tank to tank, I try to get them before my LFS moves them out of QT and into tanks to be sold so they don't go through as many changes, that's what I will do this time.


dragon I have your fish's cousin.. my longfin this is my favorite fish in the tank NOT SHY AT ALL in fact if I put my hand in the tank it swims around my hand.. If I make a circle w/ my pointer finger and thumb he will swim through it.. I'll take a pic or video.. Its a great fish.. The lubbocks is a little bit more shy but its almost always visible as well..

Also my neighbors beautiful lubbock's fairy wrasse.. pictures do not do either fish justice!