Looking for a Good List



Hello all, I'm new to the forum.
I joined because I was sick of seemingly being the only person interested in my extremely expensive hobby. Anyway, a little history. I'v been working with SW tanks since I was a junior in high school. However, once I started college and went away there really hasn't been anyone for the past five years to handle our 115 g in-wall fish-only tank. My parents ended up hiring technicians to stop by 2-3 times every two weeks or so. I just graduated college, came home, and literally 2 days later...had my first real wipe out. I was devastated, ( at the same time...what could I do..I'v been gone)
Anyway, I try looking on the bright side of things and took it as an opportunity to do some much needed upgrading/replacing, and buying about 15 lbs more live rock and setting up a UV sterilizer ( i know it's not necessary in a fish-only). Right now I just have 6x green chromis in there but am looking to rebuild the aggressive tank I once had.
Was interested in any of your alls aggressive fish list with one exception. My mother demands to have a "nemo fish (or two)" in the tank... -_-"
Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated!


Active Member
Well for aggressive and a clownfish I would get a maroon clownfish, they are bigger and can stand up for themselves pretty well. Personally I would do semiaggressive smaller fish because a 115 won't hold too many large predators. I would put a small trigger, a wrasse or two, maroon clownfish, hawkfish, maybe a snowflake eel.


well I was thinking about it and I might go for a more laid back tank.
right now the list is
2xtrue perculas
1xsailfin tang
and I'm trying to decide on a suitable angelfish >_>
any ideas?
i figure a tang aquarium can be just as amusing as a predator tank


Active Member
I like the idea of yellow,kole ,& blue hippo tang, but I'd get Clarkii Clownfish instead of percula. They are much hardier than percs. I wouldn't put a sailfin and yellow tang together because two tangs of the same body shape fight. I'd get a peaceful trigger like a blue jaw or pinktail, a foxface, a hawkfish, that plus the 6 chromises


what about tank raised true percs?
do they do any better than the wild ones?
I used to have a maroon and a tomato but I have no experience with percs at all.
and you're right, i forgot sailfin and yellow were the same body shape
so yellow, hippo, kole for sure..
was really looking at getting an angel again...any ideas?
as well as the questions about the perculas


definatly go with the tank raised clown. They were born in a tank and IMO do better in a tank. I have one of each and the tank raised seems to be much more healthy.


Active Member
Percula don't do well against aggressive fish. I still vote for clarkii, but I'd go tank raised if you're getting a perc. Just a warning, tank raised clowns don't host anemones as easily as wild caught. A good angel I would recommend is coral beauty or lemon peel angelfish.


Originally Posted by wanabebell
wantanabes angel
what is this? o_O
and thank you for the feedback on the percs.
wasn't looking to introduce an anemone anytime soon.
I'm only used to fish-only tanks.
Had a small 12g nano for a while but prefer to stick with fish-only.
also, what about a flame angel?


for the angel i think the flag fin would be a good idea. They are medium sized angels so it will fill the tank a little better. The flame works too. A sugestion if you do get the flagfin its a little too much yellow in the tank so i would replace the yellow tang with the sailfin.


the pics didn't come out but i found some on good'o'google.
thanks for the suggestion, i will definitely consider it due to the fact that I love the sailfin tang!
edit: whoops, i thought you were trying to show me pics of the lemonpeel...yea i still don't know what these look like, and I can't find them anywhere...
is there another name these go by perhaps?


i actually like these...but i can't seem to find anyone that sells them..


theres a couple online stores that sells them
or if you have a good lfs they can order them in
the males are hard to find cheap but the females arent terrible