Looking for a Good Puffer Addition

, ive got a 28 gallon bow front puffer only tank. So far i have a med. porcupine, leopard, and valentini. Please dont tell me i dont have room for any more fish (or for the porcupine). I just want to know what you would suggest i add. Thank you.
PS First post


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Chainlink eel and a titan trigger
I normally don't condone this, but seriously, IBTL

C'mon AK, thats ridiculous

A Tesselata or Fimbriated Eel would be much more appropriate than a boring Chainlink....And to do the Titan he would have to upgrade to a 55 in a year or 2, maybe Blueline would be better.
Seriously "The Puffer Guy", what sort of Leopard...Leopard Eel, Leopard Wrasse, Leopard from South American rain forrest?
BTW you don't have room for anymore fish....or the porcupine.


Active Member
Ah! My bad, I just thought of an eel, was going suggest a green moray though.
Disagree, on the Titan, I think he should fine, after all, they'll just grow to the size of his aqaurium anyways?
That's why there's a "medium' (probably 7"?) porcupine, in a very commonly sized, "28 gallon" tank, right?
When i said leopard, i meant puffer. As i said in the beginning, this is a puffer tank, plz give suggestions for puffer additions.


Active Member
Can you get a saxophone player in there? It seems your tank needs a puffer that can also provide music.


Active Member
Puffer Guy, if you are in fact serious, you could maybe keep a Valentini Puffer in a 28 gallon tank by himself and that is it. Porcupine Puffer get to 20 inch long in the wild, they are huge fish, that need huge tanks.....If you are a TROOL as we suspect, then just go away.
KJR, you said it IN THE WILD And just as aqua knight said, most fish will only grow to the size of their tanks. And if the porcupine does outgrow it, i have no problem with upgrading to a 46 gal. Also, for a couple weeks i had 2 keep the porcupine and leopard puffer in a 10 gal. and they were perfectly happy. I know that he wouldnt have stayed that way, but he was happy. And he has plenty of room to swim in the 28.


Active Member
I really can't believe you took that seriously. The wife's tale about FW fish not growing past their tank size, does not remotely apply to marine fish. A saltwater fish will continue to physically grow, however suffering terrible health conditions. 125 seems about the minimum sized tanks for porcupines (IMHO is 150). And to be honest, I wouldn't even keep a valenti in a 46 much less then what they're in now.
Do you have any pictures of that tank? How old is it? I really can imagine, with that much load on the tank, the water has
to be the color of pea-soup.


I know you said it's mainly a puffer tank, but have you considered a Queen Angelfish? They get along with puffers just fine.


Active Member
you want to see this...
I think you could keep...
1 porcupine puffer
1 Valentini
1 Leapord
1 dogface
1 golden (they are sooo pretty!)
1 hawaiian blue
1 hawaiian spotted
1 map
1 star puffer
1 stars and stripes puffer
1 striped puffer
and 1 whitebelly puffer
After all this is a species only tank... what the worst that could happen? you can always buy more =)
until the ocean runs out from all of you people that are selfish... but hey they are just fish right? they dont have feelings as long as they are in water they are happy...


Active Member
and to think...i have a 5 inch sailfin tang that i was thinking of removing from my 195 gallon reef because he's too big.
heck, i'm going to go buy a school of them!
thanks puffer guy!