looking for a new tank

i am looking for a tank that gives me the most surface area for my money but i only have about 200 bucks can anyone point me in the right direction Because the fish i want is an emperator angle

fish fry

Check your local classified ad's. You might be able to find something used. You will need a large tank since those angels can get huge. It will probably be very hard to find something for only two hundred. Then remember you'll need money for filters and other equipment.

car guy

at the store i work at we sell tanks for what we pay for them, thats why we're called aquarium discount, but you might be able to get a 110 high which is the blue print of a 75 or a 125 for 200$ or under, but your best bet is checking out ---- or your local newspaper, but you live in ny, if you really want you could drive to my work for one, it's in south jersey, if you can't find one it might be worth the ride, i can find out exact prices if you want, later

fish fry

Hey Car Guy,
I just priced a 110 for $1600. Stand, Cap, Drilled etc. But for your prices those prices...hmmm might be worth the drive.
How do they look, how much are stands, etc.
You can use my email Tomn14@hotmail.com