Looking for a nice GREEN addition


Looking for some type of green fish to add to our tank (basically peaceful).
Basically a FOWLER at this point, may be reef later on.
Would love to have a mandarin, but tank is only 60 gallons.
Any suggestions is greatly appreciated.


We have a few crabs and snails and want to add a cleaner shrimp.
I just looked it up. The only info i found was the size and a photo. Isn't this a little large for a 60 gal. I don't know much about eels. Quite honestly most eels give me the willies---no offense. But the color/marking on this one is pretty cool.
Currently we have:
1 2" clown
1 2" royal gramma
1 1-2" blue hippo tang (I PROMISE to move him when he gets bigger--Please don't shoot me tang police!!!!) The lfs said it would definitely be fine.
plan to add:
flame angel
porc puffer
Any other Green fish suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
School of green cromis looks great in a tank.
I agree a scool of 5-6 chromis would look awesome but that would be a lot of fish.