looking for an estimate of stand.hood diy cost


i am looking at getting a new tank in the next month or so. i have decided that if i buy a new tank, i will need to do a diy so that i can afford to get a good sized tank (want about a 120 or so). today i had an offer to take a 85 gallon tank with a stand out of one of my instructors garage for 400 dollars. this is a good deal smaller than what i was hoping for, but since i actually have no clue on what to expect for diy stand and hood costs, this might be a steal.
i was planning to do a 2X4 or 2X6 frame, covered with nice oak/cherry/birch type plywood, along with a basic trim, like a cove molding or something. nothing fancy for doors, just wood panels and hinges.
a 120 is 4X2X2 for refrence.
if anyone is really good at cut lists and estimates, and can make a ball park guess at this, or if anyone has built a 120 stand and hood recently, i could really use your input on what this might cost me.
if the cost of the diy plus the cost of the tank is going to run me more than about 600 bucks, i will probably go with the 85.
gotta let him know this weekend though, so i gotta figure it out fairly soon.


Active Member
Ok so the $400 was for a stand and canopy for a 85g tank right?
If this is the case your getting ripped off. Also why do you want to build your canopy from 2x4 or 2x6? 2 things come to mide when I see this. First your canopy would be so heavy you could not get it off by yourself. Second why does your canopy need to be maed of wood that thick? I mean the only thing it holds up is it's own weight and your lights. I make all of my canopys out od 3/4 inch material. Never had a problem with a strength problem. Just a few thoughts.
Oh and you could build your own canopy for a 120 out of nice oak plywood and other materials for about $100


should have read stand/canopy. the 2X4 and 2X6 idea was for the support frame for the stand. yeah, i was figuring 2X2 max for the frame for the hood.
the 400 is for tank, stand, and strip light canopy, which i would need to remake because it will not hold halides... so basically 400 for the tank and stand.
a 120 can be found by shopping around for about 500-600 out here. was hoping to get out of the deal for about 800, so the stand and hood would need to run 250-300
100 on the hood, sweet thats exactly the kind of info i was lookin for. is that an estimate for one similar to the one you have where there are doors and the hood lifts, or would i be looking at more money for the added hardware?