Looking for an outgoing fish

I'm trying to find a good fish that will stay out in the open instead of hide like my bicolor blenny... Along with him, I have 2 percs. I also plan on getting a green clown goby, neon goby, and coral beauty. It's a 55 gallon and I do run a protein skimmer and do I try to do 10% water changes every 2 weeks. I was thinking either a blackcapped basslet or a leopard wrasse. Would either of these stay out in the open? Thanks


I have a dwarf half black angelfish that is very outgoing, it swims in and out of the rock work and acts like a ver happy fish!! Just a suggestion.


My LMB is the most interesting fish I own btw... TONS of personality and he's often out in the open.


swallowtail angel.
its suppoed to be a mid dwelling swimmer.. and it is. always out. Likes picking on the school of chromis.. nothing bad though.
Just thought I'd respond and thank everyone for helping.
Dempsey I have tried a six-line before and it murdered everything...from shrimp to my clownfish. A little wary of them now
Kynekke I already have a bicolor blenny so if a got a LM they would probobly fight over territory.
Alexmir thanks but theres some other angels that catch my eye more.
Jessica I'm kinda afraid they would jump on me. Also wouldn't I need a pair if I wanted them to stay out.
I'm actually kinda interested in the swallowtail. Just one question, could it get along with a coral beauty? I've just heard that dwarf angels and large angels can get along fine, and the swallowtail isn't a centropyge.


did you say coral beauty?

ive had my swallowtail and coral beauty for a while now.
Genicanthus angels arent as aggressive towards each other as other angels.
except males on males.


Active Member
hawaiian blue spot puffer are always out and about, slowly sure but never hide. also the eibli angel is sweet but you already stated the coral beauty which also is a very good choice