looking for calupera


anyone know where i might be able to buy it online? or be willing to send me some? :D
long story but i have crushed coral and want to do something about future nitrate probs.. and since i don't have another tank to put my critters in so pulling the CC out and putting in a DSB is out of the question for now. moving in a year and plan on switching over then... which brings up another question.. i've heard if i go with a DSB i need a plenum and all kinds of other stuff.. is this true?


Active Member
I have found that my LFS carry caulerpa cheaper than buying it online and having it shipped. Were you planning one putting the caulerpa in your show tank? If so just know it grows like crazy and can overtake your tank. As far as needing a plenum, no you don't, you just need 4-6" of fine sand, it's just that simple.


Active Member
You don't need anything special to have a good dsb. All you need is 4-6 inches of sugar sized agronite sand. Your lr will have pods and other stuff that will go into the dsb. You can also buy ls activator kits online. You can also go buy some rubbermaid containers to put your fish and stuff in while you take out the cc.


i've already asked my LFS and they don't carry it.. i've read on it and i know it grows fast.. i don't mind having to trim it weekly and eventually it will be moved into the sump.. after i get one setup
Thanks for the quick reply's birdie and slick.
I plan on moving the tank in about a year and am gonna swicth out the substrate then.. i think it'll be easiest on my critters and me by waiting