Looking for compatible tankmates ^^


I started with a 70 gallon tank and realized after about 1 year and a half that i wanted something i bit bigger for my reef buddies, so i ended up starting up a 125gallon tank a while ago and finally made the move over. Now I have my 70 gallon tank and i am going to set it up as an aggressive tank, I would like to have a snowflake eel and either a niger trigger or a undalatus trigger. My question is, i would like to add one more fish in the mix, but im kinda curious what types of fish would co-exsist with little to no problems. I would like something to add maybe a bit more color into the tank Thanks for reading ^_^
*edit* Would it be possible to have both triggers in the same tank?


nope two triggers in that size will equal one of them out growing the other and taking him out try one trigger the eel maybe a tang and a wrasse


Active Member
How long is a 70g? A snowflake will be fine in there. Skip the undulate, although they are fascinating (I kept one for 3 years), they are just too dang mean 99% of the time. A niger will be fine, but he will probably outgrow that tank eventually. A bluejaw or similar planktonic trigger might be a better choice. As for other tankmates, you could look into hawkfishes, hamlets, certain wrasses, large clownfishes, and other semiaggressive fishes.