Looking for Cool Ideas for two 10 gal tanks. Thx!!


New Member
Hi....I already have a 135 with 200lbs lr and it is a fish/invert tank. My fish are tangs, clowns, wrasse, damsels, etc. Inverts are shrimp, crabs, snails, etc.
My question is - what is unique and interesting to put in a ten gallon tank that would be a cool setup. Either something that is good by itself, or needs to be by itself. I don't really want to do a mini reef tank and would prefer to have inverts/fish, but just a neat setup.
suggestions? thanks all


Active Member
for fish, you are limited. a damsel or chromis might do good. neon gobies stay small and are cool, a six line wrasse might work. my suggestion though is a pair of neon gobies. they are hardy, small, and will breed in the aquarium. bo

mr . salty

Active Member
How about plumbing one up as a refugium under the main tank. I spend alot of time looking at the diverse life that grows in mine.Being free from pretators(fish and inverts)there are literally hundreds of thing in my refugium that would never make it in the main tank...Baby brittle stars,feather dusters,bristle worms,all too many to count...All this plus it is actually GOOD FOR THE MAIN TANK.(nitrate reduction and stabalize the PH...


If you have adequate lighting, you can add an anenome and a clownfish. 6line wrass might be cool too. Goby's are pretty small, you might be able to do one or two. 10gal will probably be pretty unstable so you will need to keep an eye on the water, and do frequent changes and watch for water evaporation so that your sal. doesn't get too high.


Active Member
I just recently put a Firefish in my 10 gallon tank.
Some live rock for hiding places.
Quirky cool little colorful fish !