Looking for coral......



I am looking for a Bright red, purple pink or yellow coral. I have moderate lighting, and have a few pieces. My wife is becoming more interested in my tank, so i am trying to keep her interested. (I get more stuff bought for me when she likes the tank)hahaha. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Blastos or brains come in a variety of colors and red looks good on them. They are low light corals and should do well in your tank. The Purple Brush Gorgonian is a photosynthetic variety of gorg but not high light demanding. Although their polyps are brown their outter skin is bright purple and really neat looking. Also Zoa's come in all types of colors, I have a purple and blue cluster, not really sure the specific name. Orange short tenticle plate coral is another nice looking coral. As far as yellow goes other than a deep sea non photosynthetic gorg I am at a loss. Maybe yellow star polyps but I can think of any others for your lighting. Hope this helps


i was thinking that zoos would be a good choice because theres hundreds of different colors. Ive seen a red barains that look really pretty also. I have a galaxea that has a pretty purple skeleton, but its covered by the tentacles all day. I couldnt think of any yellow ones but a gorgonian unless i had higher lighting.
Thanks for the help, i am trying to get her more interested in the tank!


Active Member
I dont know if you are interested but I know someone who is selling a nice red donut coral but its 150.00. Its awesome though :) Pm me if you want to get the persons information
Heres a pic


looks very cool, im just not up for spending that muhc right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alexmir
looks very cool, im just not up for spending that muhc right now.
ya its not cheap but I figured id post it anyway :) lol
ps: I just got one of these from my LFS( its a replacement for another one that was sick when i got it ) its definetly yellow
may want to check into getting something like this? it was 50.00. not bad. it just was acclimating in this pic so its opened more now but you get the picture :)
Im a bright coral freak so I understand what your wife means! pretty pretty coral please?!


Is that a flowerpot? I've seen some gorgeous ones!! My lighting isnt quite enough though, im looking to add a few more lights, so if i do its going to be around 400 watts over my 60 gallon. So that should be fine. I've also seen red ones that are just as gorgeous!


I have two, Their gorgeous, but i dont have the schedule to feed them during the day to get them open.