Looking for day to day cycling help


New Member
Trying to figure out at what point you should add a raw peice of fish, liverock, sand, clean up crew, and etc. Will bacteria enhancers work like they do in FW systems? Thanks


I'm not that far into it but you can add LR and LS with your first tank setup as soon as there's Salt Water in it. Once the "dust" settles from the sand hang the dead shrimp until ammonia hits .5.
Sorry, not sure on the bacteria enhancers, I'm doing it the old fashioned way. I added a cleanup crew (a tiny one) at 3 weeks and no-ammonia to start cleaning up the growing diatoms.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Natedog
Trying to figure out at what point you should add a raw peice of fish, liverock, sand, clean up crew, and etc. Will bacteria enhancers work like they do in FW systems? Thanks
Depending on where your live rock is purchased, you can use the LR to cycle your tank. For instance if you buy your LR from this site, or anywhere/anyone else, and it has to be shipped you are going to get "dieoff" which will provide enough decay to start your cycle. Live Shrimp will not be needed. Alot of people I have spoken with have said to not use bottled products. However if you purchase from your local fish store you will obviously not get enough dieoff since it will not travel long enough. If you purchase locally you could get uncured rock. Then hold tight because it will take usually take three to six weeks to complete the nitrogen cycle. The cycle will be as follows, you will need test kits, you will see an ammonia spike, followed by Nitrites, and finally Nitrates. You will be ok to add clean up crew after your ammonia and nitrite levels have reached 0, and you complete a water change to bring your nitrate levels down to an acceptable level (usually under 20 ppm). Usually a 20% water change will be necassary.