looking for frags


hi all,
i'm fairly new to reef keeping and would love some small frags of easy to keep corals for my 20 gal. mini.
tank is 6 mo. old , fully cycled ,and full of L/R.
i'm using a prizm skimmer, a small power filter and 240W power compacts.
1 devils hand 3-4 in., small cluster of gsp, some button polyps, and a few zoa's. 1 percula clown and a orange peel damsel.
any help would be grately appreciated.
free-bees always welcome ( i live in NJ or could pay for shipping)


Active Member
Originally Posted by albie611
hi all,
i'm fairly new to reef keeping and would love some small frags of easy to keep corals for my 20 gal. mini.
tank is 6 mo. old , fully cycled ,and full of L/R.
i'm using a prizm skimmer, a small power filter and 240W power compacts.
1 devils hand 3-4 in., small cluster of gsp, some button polyps, and a few zoa's. 1 percula clown and a orange peel damsel.
any help would be grately appreciated.
free-bees always welcome ( i live in NJ or could pay for shipping)