looking for free or cheap mantis shrimp

Hello all. I am looking for any mantis shrimp, regardless of size, color, or species. If you live in northern california, where I live as well, we can meet up. If not, I will pay for priority mail shipping. I will also trade corals frags possibly if yours is really nice, local prefered. Please let me know. Thanks.
They're interesting little buggers, and I would like to have a 10g with just one in it, some sand and lr, and maybe a fish or some other invert. If those get eaten, hey, it's life, and I won't add them again.
With a free source of mantis shrimp you could start a business. Check out the mantis shrimp forum at <a href="http://www.reefcentral.com" target="_blank">www.reefcentral.com</a>
Amazing how many people actually keep these pests.
If you have the time and the source...could definitely improve your income and support this reef habit.
---- seems to be a good place to sell them also.


Active Member
Hey amphiprion15 !!
You'd be more than welcome to have the one in my tank if I can ever catch the little beast.
It's been in there for at least 1-1/2 years. I never saw it for months - but heard it occasionally. When I did the 55 to 75 swap back in late December - you can bet I was aware of it possibly being in my tank, and talk about a "fear" of handling the live rock. I looked and looked for it as I removed pieces of rock - especially on the pieces of rock it hangs out near ..... but did not spot it. I thought at that time if may have died and it's remains were eaten by hermits.
Guess what ...... little bugger is still in my new tank :(
I've been baiting a mantis trap called "The X-Terminator" for so long now .... but so far no captured mantis. I'm beginning to think this trap was designed to catch my $14.00 bucks.
I have caught numerous hermit crabs, snails, half of a brittle star ( other half hanging out the trap door waving it's other arms around ) and some pods. Other than that - guess I'll keep baiting it each night.
It's about 1-1/2 to 2" in length, sort of a dark greenish blue, and appears to be a slasher variety from what I've been able to see of it, but I'm not sure of that.
I've nicknamed it S.O.B. which stands for "Same Old Bugger" <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> yeah right !
You can have it when and if I catch it. That may still be awhile yet though - if my current success rate continues on the way it has been going :(
good luck keeping it with something they pound everything from damsels to starfish to clams to pieces.the club like claw has the power of a .22 bullet.alot stronger than a pellet gun or paintball


I will admit I did see one in a fish store in Ohio I considered nuying. It was listed as a hawaiian mantis. It was a beautiful red and green