looking for free reef safe fish in pittsburgh


i am looking for anyone in the pittsburgh who is looking to get rid of some problem child fish or fish they don't want anymore. our 240 gallon is now changed over to a reef. this was done because our 36" bamboo shark decided to eat 2 yellow tangs, kole tang, paddlefin wrasse, niger trigger, majestic angel. which left us with 1 yellow tang, a vlamingi tang and hippo tang. after he had his expensive 2 day dinner he decided to commit suicide by knocking the covers off the tank and jumping out

i have added 2 400 watt halides, and want to start back to a reef like i had 8 years ago. if anybody has something to offer let me know. we will come and pick up anything you have

devil dog

Active Member
That is one of the craziest storys that I have ever heard…
All that in two days
Sorry for your los and good luck


fishy, huh!
is the story too unbelievable for you??
i am not a newbie to this site, if you noticed my profile i have been a member here since 2002. here is a link to one of my old threads with pics of my tank
sometimes our fish act strange for no reason, i received the bamboo from another member here in march of this year , and there was never a problem with him or the the other tankmates, he just got it in his head to eat whatever moved, have you ever seen how much a 36" shark can eat in a day??


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
yea, this storey sounds fishey (no pun)
I agree that the story doesn't sound right. I've had a lot of experience with benthic sharks and it is hard to believe that they could even fit a yellow tang, kole tang or majestic angel in its mouth. Even a 36" shark cannot open its mouth more than 2" in diameter. Unless these fish were tiny, I just don't see how it could happen.