Looking for Frogspawn shipped


i have a few diffrent kinds
also have the purple with the green tips none are fragged off yet as i dont frag enless i sell one, they would come lose without a rock attached



you couldnt steal his thread as that big frog spawn you seen has about 15 heads on it but the center head is about 12" long a head on that would be 20 just becuase the heads grow large befor really splitting
the hammer is 15 a head i have about 10 heads im willing to frag off ATT
that pink looking one is 20 a head i have about 7 heads i would frag off ATT
the green with pink tips is 10 a head sence the heads are smaller have about 15 to frag off of it ATT
the one with the purpleish with green tips is 25 (nicest looking one sence the polyups extend so far and really cant tell where the heads are, ive only got 1 head of this one to sell
my zipp is 74014 and i can never get that price caculater to tell me the right price so ill let you guys do it. its oklahoma so it shouldnt be TO bad on shipping and if it is we could all just meet somewhere if you guys are willing sence my wife likes to take long rides anyhow


Originally Posted by reefmate75
you couldnt steal his thread as that big frog spawn you seen has about 15 heads on it but the center head is about 12" long a head on that would be 20 just becuase the heads grow large befor really splitting
the hammer is 15 a head i have about 10 heads im willing to frag off ATT
that pink looking one is 20 a head i have about 7 heads i would frag off ATT
the green with pink tips is 10 a head sence the heads are smaller have about 15 to frag off of it ATT
the one with the purpleish with green tips is 25 (nicest looking one sence the polyups extend so far and really cant tell where the heads are, ive only got 1 head of this one to sell
my zipp is 74014 and i can never get that price caculater to tell me the right price so ill let you guys do it. its oklahoma so it shouldnt be TO bad on shipping and if it is we could all just meet somewhere if you guys are willing sence my wife likes to take long rides anyhow
how much for:
one 15$ hammer
one pink 20$ head
one green pink tip 15$
shipped to 97058 , i would prefere usps priority overnight thanks. send me a PM!


i can't beleive people are willing to pay 15-20 dollars a head, im going to a fragswap this weekend and they are selling for like 8 a head.. maybe i should just buy it all then sell it on here and double my money!


I bought the swf.com frogspawn on sale a few weeks back for 39.99, i think it was for the 3 or 4 heads and it actualy had 5. And I am very pleased. all 5 heads fully opened in 24hours plus they came with the great 15day guarantee.


a head of that pink one is about 8" long, if you can find that frogspawn for less then 60 bucks online for a 8" long head oh i would love to see it, but as for each head, alot of the heads i have sold have 4 heads that i call 1 head sence the flesh has not separated yet, and the flesh on that pink one gose down about 3" on the stalk
10-20 bucks for a frogspawn is a pretty good deal most of the time a frogspawn frag has atleast 2 heads on it


Active Member
8.00 per head???? where I will fly there tomorrow and buy it all!!!!!! fly back to chicago, sell it , pay my airfare off and STILL MAKE MONEY! I think the price you'r asking is very fair, and nice looking pieces too! If I had the room I would grab a couple