looking for good light to start soft coral and maybe lps



Already have some experience with fowlr I want to go a reef tank. I have a 72 g bow tank and I am running an I am looking for affordable lighting for soft coral and lps. I am not looking to go halide because I live in Cali and it gets pretty hot and I don’t have a chiller. thanks


try t5 HO's. I love mine, and they put out very little heat. for a dual strip at a certain smart pet store, they are only 139.99, and two bulbs will run you another 40. and they strech from 24" to 48" very easily.


Current Nova Extreme Pro Saltwater T-5 Fixtures
6 X 54 324 watt for $340
Are a little high for my budget so which would you go with as a supplement
Unless there is some where to get them cheaper
What about
nova extreme t-5
4 X 54 216 watts for $220
Coralife Aqualight Double Compact Fluorescent Strip Lights
4 X 65 260 watts for 260
current dual Satellite Compact Fluorescent Fixtures
4 X 65 260 watts for 220