Looking for Guidance with Two Tanks


Alright I have a 15 Gallon running a HOB AquaClear filter with carbon and LR. I run an AquaC Remora Skimmer. 96W Quad 50/50 PC lighting.
The livestock:
1 Yellowtail Damsel
1 Tiger Pistol Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
5 Super Tongan Nass
1 Nass
1 Nephrite
1 Margarita
4 Dwarf Zebra Hermits
Anthelia(I think)
Sun Coral
I'm looking to start an 8 Gallon Nanocube because my Yellowtail Damsel is quite a meany and harassed my Ocell. Clown to death. Recently I had a Barnacle Blenny die from popeye; he got it, I went out bought medicine and was going to set up the QT. I got home and he had gone missing. That was 5 days ago. I know he's dead because he goes crazy for food and haven't seen him. I looked everywhere.
With the 15 Gallon I was going to add one more fish, like a dottyback or basslet. Something that will stand up to the damsel if need be. Although, the barnacle blenny was too fast for the damsel, I don't want to add another because my ever-growing pistol shrimp killed my Sallylightfoot crab and I don't want to take a risk of live food so to speak.
Everyplace around me, the 8 Gallon Biocube is the same price as the 14. What I wanted to do was set up an 8 and put 2-3 Barnacle Blennys in there and just keep zoos and move my Sun Coral over.
Since the 14 Gallon is the same price. Should I buy that and keep a bunch of tiny fish.
Such as:
Barnacle Blennys
Greenbanded Gobys
Clown Gobys
You get the idea of the size of fish.
Not sure how many of these small fish I could put in a 14. I don't want to go too overboard, because it has no skimmer but I don't want it to be barren.
I have a 15 Gallon nano, that isn't full of coral, so I don't want to go buying coral for two tanks, that is why I was thinking of just doing zoanthids. So would a 14 with zoanthids and quite a few tiny fish be okay or do you think an 8 Gallon is still best.
I guess I'm just looking for opinions or guidance. Anyone willing to throw an opinion or two and answer the questions that are in my wall of text, would be a saint.

Thanks in advance everyone.