Looking for help with a nano


New Member
I used to belong to this site some time ago...got out of the fish hobby, but have been dying to get back into it since getting out. I forgot my past name, so created a new one (its in regards to my truck). Anyways...
I had freshwater and saltwater before, but the saltwater tanks I had were a seahorse tank, and another LRFO tank. So I don't know a whole lot about reef tanks...figured nano is much more manageable to start out, plus I want it in my office/study as I spend alot of time in here reading and what not, be something nice to see during.
I am looking at a tank around 20 gallons (found a nice one, 19" tall, 14W, 14D), Thinking this would be nice/unique for height...but as I remember the deeper it is, the harder it is to get lighting at the bottom for corals.
What would be the first things to get me started in getting it set up. I will take all the precautions for a successful tank...so just what I need to get it up and running, and wait the few weeks before doing anything else, etc.
Thanks in advance, its good to be somewhat back!


yea the things your gonna need to buy are about 20 lbs of live sand, some live rock in the beginning to get it cycled, but you should try and get around 20 lbs eventually. The more live rock you have in your tank though, the faster it will cycle. You'll obviously need the salt and a good filter, you could just use like an aquaclear 40 for a 20 gallon tank. Also, a test kit to test ammonia, nitrites, nitarates, and ph. and a hydrometer . once you got this stuff you can mix your salt water, throw in your live sand and live rock and then wait anywhere from a week to two weeks most likely for the tank to cycle.


I think with the nature of where you are putting the tank, I would look at one of the all-in-one nano tanks. They make some really nice tanks with all the filteration built in. Also lots of lighting options now. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
I have a jbj 24gal nano tank and I love it!! dr.Foster & smith , I paid 246 for the tank and stand delivered!! Its has great lights pc 3watts per gallon and a built in wet/dry. Also Bio-cube is a good one , a little more expensive but you can't go wrong with a all in one!!! good luck and welcome back


Active Member
yeah, i agree.
i have the bc-14, and couldnt be more happy.
i love these "all in one, plug and play" tanks.
my lfs has one that he's set up, runs barebottom, hasnt done a water change in 3 months, and its what got me to switch to the bc.
simply amazing.