Looking for light


I have a FOWLR 55g, i am wanting to add maybe a few corals, and anamone, for my clowns. Not doing it right now but in a few months and really would like veterans of this hobbies opinion.
Right now i am using a 48" Flourescant 50/50 light (50 Daylight/50 actinic 03 bue).


Active Member
I would get an workhorse 7 ballast($45) 2 sets water proof endcaps($18) 2 uri bulbs 1 superactinic 1 marine glo ($45) for a grand total of $108.00 you get 220watts 4wpg, with decent intensity. Provided good water quality and weekly feedings of silversides, krill etc... you could keep a BTA, and some softies.


okay thanks
If you know of a place on the web as to where i may find these could you please put the link or address on a reply for me or just send me an email thru this site?