Looking for Lion Advice.



I have a 120g (2'x2'x4') tank that I am turning into a fish only with live rock tank. I am setting this tank up so that I can have a volitan lion fish. After speaking with my LFS, I have gotten the impression that the tank would also be large enough to house a ray as well. Can anyone comment on having a ray and a lion and also having a ray in a 120g setup. If a ray will work in this setup, what type of ray would be best?
I would also like some comments on housing a couple of the following fish with a lion. I am interested in an Emperor Angel, a Porcupine Puffer, a Blue Tang, a Yellow Tang, a Snowflake Eel, a Niger Trigger, a Foxface Lo, a Miniatus Grouper, a Panther Grouper, or an Angler. I am not implying that I want to put all of these fish in one tank, but rather am looking for comments on how compatible these will be with a lion. I have read alot of the threads about the porcupine and the Niger that say they can pick on a lion, but what about the rest? Also, if I get the lion first and the niger and porcupine later, might that help prevent the abuse? Thanks for the help everyone!


Disclaimer: I'm no expert on this, but have done a lot of research towards setting up my own lion tank (still have yet to get the fish, but only about a week or two away)
Lions generate a lot of waste. Rays generate a lot of waste and are generally pretty large fish. I'm betting those two alone would put a high bioload on the tank.
Of the others listed: The Foxface, tangs, groupers and angler should be fine (though the Tang Police might object to tangs in a tank of those dimensions). The groupers are also dirty fish, so again the bioload question. Same with the eel, plus the risk that the eel might try to make a meal of the lion (their vision is not the greatest). The niger trigger should be alright, but I personally wouldn't trust any trigger with lions. Same goes for the puffer and angel - they can be fin nippers, and lions make a tempting target.
What I am planning for a 125 FOWLR tank is a volitans, an antennata and a Lo magnificus. I've got good skimming + refugium, so I expect that I will be able to handle the bioload.


not a great tank for a ray, imo. unless you plan on having basically no rock in the display and having a big sump filled with live rock, there won't be enough of a footprint for a ray.
anglers should be in there own tank, imo. i also don't like the idea of a tang in a 4 foot tank, but it's your tank. panther groupers get enormous. a full-size angel shouldn't be in a 4 foot tank either. the trigger and puffer you listed will also outgrow the system.
i would go with maybe your lion, a foxface, and either the eel you listed or a smaller angel.