looking for live rock

virginia s

New Member
I have completed my cycle in a 72 bow tank. Have purchased 25 snails. Purchased 20 lbs live rock. Next week picking up two clown fish to start. I live in lewiston maine, any thoughts where I might purchase inexpensvie live rock. Currently paying $8. lb


inexpensvie live rock?!?!?!?! NOT possible!!! You could get some uncured LR and cure it yourself, its usually a bit cheaper


New Member
go to e b a y under home and garden section or just search for live rock. you can get 3.00 per lb. good luck


You can make your own rock. Yes it wont be exactly like the stuff you buy at your LFS but over time it will grow algea and coraline. Or you can can buy dead rock for a lot cheaper also. Search the forum for dead rock and making your own rock. Just an idea to save a lot of money on buying rock for your tank.

virginia s

New Member
I hear the word "established tank" alot. I know what a cycled tank means. Please define "once your tank is established. Thanks V