Looking for moon jellys


well, I'm gettin ready to put together my jelly kreisel, but I ran into a problem, no LFS can order jellies, because they are not on their stock lists (go figure, just my luck). Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any for sale, or some jelly polyps. Or if you know any places that sell them for a good price, send me a PM...Thx.


Active Member
Yeah, across the street from me...in the ocean.
I have never heard of jellies in tanks aside from public aquariums, is it possible? Because that would be beautiful. Do you need special equipment?


you basically need to build a kreisel, Filtration is the same, but the key is water flow, it needs to be circular, and there is no bottom substrate, so you have to syphon the filth outa the bottom.


Active Member
Please do not post messages asking for links to competitor or potential competitor sites.
I realize this is an extreme case, but the rules still apply.
Good luck with your new tank!